Friday, September 2, 2011


A few weekends ago was my monthly foray into the tattoo parlor. My Tattoo guy, Adam, is working on an epic leg sleeve for my right calf/ shin and it is coming along swimmingly. Its very intense in the color department, so much so that Adam and his mentor, Billie, would like to enter it into a competition! Wow! Its that good.

 The sleeve of course covers some very lovely tender parts. Anyone who has had a tattoo on the ankle knows what I mean. It is a 360 degree ankle to knee sleeve with a lot of the main color sitting right on top of my shin. Oh yeah, it doesn't tickle. People who tell you that tattoos do not hurt are 1) paralyzed or 2) lying. Tattoos guns are a set of one to seven needles on a motor, piercing your skin repeatedly. The reason I am telling you all of this glorious detail about the ouch factor is because it came into question at my last session.

 As I was laying on the table having some pretty good color work done, a man came into the parlor. He was the classic Jersey shore guido. (My apologies to anyone from jersey who is actually human) He was complete with the body builder muscles, the day glow orange tan, brown hair with bleached orange-ish tips and completely no respect. Not a shred. He was there as an appointment for Billie so I wasn't too into chatting with the guy. He came in all loud and obnoxious, they drew out his tattoo that he wanted on his back, set the stencil on the skin and then began the work. My back was to the guy for the most part because I was getting work on my shin and I kept hearing Billie tell him "Stop moving. I am doing lines, you need to try to keep still." over his raucous banter. After about 45 minutes of his tattoo, I was about 4 hours into mine and I needed to roll over to re position. I happen to say "ow." It was not at all any kind of dramatic "OUCH!!! OH MY GAWD!!!" more like a small mew. Tangerine Guido guy hears my little "ow" and starts in on me with "Aww, is it hurting enough over there, *girlie*?" 

 As I stared a little slack jawed at the guy (did he just call me Girlie?!) Adam quietly put the tattoo gun down and spoke up.

 The rant consisted of Adam telling him that even though I have bright colors on this tattoo and there is nary a skull to be found, this is the most BAD ASS tattoo because of the sheer coverage, placement and the amount of shin work. His muscles are nice and thick to diffuse some of the sting, but I am tattooing skin that pretty much is just a skin, nerve, bone sandwich. Not only that but after *4* hours of tattooing my shin and ankle, the only negative thing I have said is "ow." Billie piped up saying that Adam did not need to remind me to keep still either, and the shin is quite a different kind of exquisite pain. 


Oversized Oompa Loompa from the shore left after about 20 more minutes and I had another hour and a half left under the gun. It was a good session. Next Sunday, I'm going back for more. LOVE IT!

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